Monday, 8 July 2013

Meeting with Mrs. Maaswinkel

I had a meeting with Mrs. Maaswinkel today and talked about my personal project and the progress I had made since the last lesson. We started of by checking the personal project guide for the things that I had to have done by the second meeting. This was the list of things that I had to have done by the second meeting.

  • Specifications for my product
  • Areas/questions for research and possible sources
  • Evidence that I had started my research, including research into my focus AOI
  • Evaluation and complete bibliography details of the sources used for research
  • Reflection on my research
  • Evidence that I have started to work on an initial design/outline for the product
  • Any questions I have for the supervisor
  • The log form to be signed at the end of every meeting
We went through this checklist and ticked of the things that I had done, most of which was on my blog.
  • Specifications for my product - I had these from my personal project proposal which I had a copy of on my blog.
  • Areas/questions for research and possible sources - I have had a lot of work to do so I had not had time to start my research yet. I had done a lot of work on my journal and getting my project approved for the ATL skill. I have also done a lot of work on getting the right software for making my animation, which was why I hadn't yet found time to start my research.
  • Evidence that I had started my research, including research into my focus AOI - Same as above as I hadn't started my research.
  • Evaluation and complete bibliography details of the sources used for research - Same as above.
  • Reflection on my research - Same as above
  • Evidence that I have started to work on an initial design/outline for the product - I had already done some brainstorming of this on the blog and come to some conclusions about; what flip I would focus on (Flick flack/back handspring), how many flips I would analyze (one), what kind of video I would make (an animation to explain the flip and extra videos of the actual flip being done) and what software I would use to make my video (Flash). I have also started to draw the outlines of the animation frames I am going to be drawing.
  • Any questions I have for the supervisor - I didn't know what the log form was that we had to sign and Mrs. Maaswinkel told me that this was sent by email but I didn't recall getting that email and I think that I either didn't receive it or that I missed in in my inbox and accidentally put it in the trash.
  • The log form to be signed at the end of every meeting - As I said above I didn't know that we had a log form so I didn't have that with me. I said that I would try and find it in my inbox and otherwise get a copy from someone else. She said that I could come back tomorrow and that she would then sign the form.

Mrs. Maaswinkel said that I should try and start my research as soon as possible and that the next time we met, which would be after that holidays that I should have all my research done and be back on schedule.

In the meeting we also talked a little about how I was planning to make my product. I said that I was going to take the frames that I had made from my video and then use tracing paper to take the outline of the person in each stage of the flip. I would make it into a sort of stick man but then with the circles at every joint, like the way you draw people as a draft.

Mrs. Maaswinkel asked why I didn't just put the pictures straight into the video and I said that as the background is very colored that flash wouldn't be able to recognize where the person was. I also would rather work with a sort of stick figure because it is easier to do in flash and easier to show the movements clearly.

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